Thursday, April 17, 2008

Group Project - Main Project

During the work days the Casady students have in Ollantaytambo, they will be working with children. Casady students will be able to engage children in arts and crafts activities, English classes, and discussions centered on pre-arranged topics.

Casady students will also commit to a singleschool-related infrastructure project, a playground. The materials to build this playground will be bought with the donations raised by the Casady students. This playground will be the first step towards building a planned children's park in Ollantaytambo, the goal of which is to build cultural and environmental awareness in Ollantaytambo's children.

We will be working this summer to begin the children's park of Ollantaytambo, which will be built on land donated by the school to the children of Ollantaytambo. The children themselves decide what will be done with this land .
There is also a possibility that it will be a recycling center.

I think what is appropriate at this point, since we don't want to rush the children's decision-making process, is that we talk in general terms about an infrastructure project on the children's playground. For more information about the organization behind this and other similar children park efforts around Peru, see:

I have as of April 16, 2008 $300 from students for this project. Parents were asked to donate $100 per child and the deadline is at their convenience by June 1. We are also trying to collect used cell phones for this purpose, but we have not had much luck. The Casady environmental club is helping our effort.

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